Music on a Friday!

Published January 31, 2014 by suejansons

Hello! Sorry I haven’t posted much this week. I have fallen victim to the creeping crud that has been going around. I have lost my voice and I have been coughing my head off while turning my throat raw……. Needless to say, it has not been fun. I am starting to get better a little bit every day and I am grateful. Looks like a full 2 weeks of recovery though.

So, I have chosen to post a music video for you today. I heard this song on my way in to work this morning. I have loved this song since it came out. It is a little dark, as is the video, but I love the beat. And from what I understand, Imagine Dragons killed it with their performance at the Grammy’s. Wish I felt up to watching it. Oh well……

The video, while dark in a way, is lightened by the use of puppets. I LOVE the puppets and feel bad for them. And I love the character that Lou Diamond Phillips plays too. And karma gets him! HA! So, please enjoy the video and have a Scentsational Friday!

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