
All posts for the month August, 2014

Hello Again, It’s Me

Published August 13, 2014 by suejansons

I have been away for much longer than I ever intended. This crazy thing called life had hit me with a good whammy this time. I am not complaining, mind you. I am just wanting to share.

So as you know, I was in the job market a bit over a month ago. So, I started bartending at my moose lodge to get a few bucks in my pocket. The tips weren't great, but it did get us by. I then got a call from a large auto club to work in their call center. It sounded like a good place to work, so I decided to take it. The pay was not very good, either were the hours (second shift) but I thought it would be a good stepping stone for better things. This also got us by.

I have learned that working in a call center for low wages, and being yelled at by customers is not for me. I am amazed by the rudeness of some individuals. Not only were the members rude, but so were some of the service providers. My self respect is worth more than the wages they were giving me. I still think it is a great company, though.

While I was working second shift, I had a hard time adjusting to the schedule. I have been used to a normal 8-5 schedule. While there were some great advantages to starting in the afternoon, it was hard for me to really figure out what needed to be done and by when. I would get home late and get to sleep even later. In the morning when hubby woke up, along with the animals, I could not sleep. So, it was very hard to get my sleeping pattern to work. That did not make for a very productive day for me either.

As, I am writing this, I am waiting for word on another job. This one is a normal schedule, close to home making better money than I have in a little while. Please wish me luck.

My hope is that with a regular schedule, I can come back to blogging on a regular basis again. I have to admit that I miss it and have had many ideas, but did not find the time.

So I just wanted to say that I have missed you, and I hope that you will understand why I have been away. I plan on reading your articles today and catch up on what's been going on!

Talk to you soon!



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