Daily Prompt: Land of Confusion

Published April 2, 2014 by suejansons


Which subject in school did you find impossible to master? Did math give you hives? Did English make you scream? Do tell!

Well, I am sure I am not the only one who was confused by algebra………

I have 2 words……. Imaginary numbers!

What the heck is an imaginary number?  According to Wikipedia “An imaginary number is a number that can be written as a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i, which is defined by its property i2 = −1.[1] The square of an imaginary number bi is –b2. For example, 5i is an imaginary number, and its square is −25. Except for 0 (which is both real and imaginary[2]), imaginary numbers produce negative real numbers when squared.”

Really? How are you supposed to understand algebra when they throw pretend numbers at you? If I were going to choose an imaginary number, it would be whatever the correct answer is!

I remember there was this one girl in my class who could look at a number and immediately figure out what the square root of a number is! How does one even learn this stuff? My theory was she was from another planet. I cannot even fathom how someone could figure that out? And I am not talking easy numbers like 49. I am talking ugly numbers like 537……….

Since taking algebra in school, I have not once needed to use it. I have never needed to know the square root of any number either. And the only imaginary number I have had to deal with is the money I want in my paycheck.

I will leave you with my favorite algebra joke.

Dear Algebra, Stop asking us to find your x. She is not coming back.

Have a wonderful day!


56 comments on “Daily Prompt: Land of Confusion

  • I always hated math in school, it was never my favorite subject. Now I have to deal with it again with my daughter’s homework. Time for me to hire a tutor!


  • I hate math! I never did well in school in that subject. Now what sucks is dealing with helping my daughters with their math homework. Time for me to hire a tutor!


  • Tee hee, so funny!I too had issue with math most, but I have to say Algebra was the only type of math I found fun. But, like you, I have definitely never found myself needing to actually use it in the real world! Love the joke, I’ve never heard that one… to cute!


  • I liked math but it is easy to forget things if you don’t use them on a regular basis! I remember times when my kids would come home and their homework looked like a different language! Great article!


  • I was always pretty good at math, and I LOVED algebra… But geometry wasn’t easy for me, and calculus wasn’t much better. So glad I’m out of that stage of life! lol


  • This is funny!! LOL I did really well my freshman year in high school because I had a really great teacher. But then I my sophomore year I was unlucky enough to have a coach as my math teacher. I don’t think I learned anything that first semester till I was able to get switch to another teacher. Since then I’ve sort of hated math lol I really suck at it.


  • Oh I have ALWAYS hated Math. I could write a paper, read a book, shoot even take a test in History without a blink, but as soon as you put Math in front of me I freeze. It’s horrible because even my 4th grader will ask for help with her homework, and um, yeah we have to google it!


  • Math makes my head hurt. I can do it, I made it through multiple degrees and even have an MBA in marketing and international business but still stuff like this…really makes my head hurt.


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