bad relationships

All posts tagged bad relationships

Daily Prompt: Brilliant Disguise

Published March 14, 2014 by suejansons


I was dating this person a few years back. I always had a weird feeling about our relationship, but I could never quite put my finger on it. He acted like a great catch. He said all the right things, he did all the right things, but I always had this nagging feeling about everything.

For whatever reason, I stayed in this relationship, thinking it was just me and I would eventually get over my doubt and live happily ever after. After a few months, I decided that I would just go all in. We talked about our future and made plans to move in together and worked towards those goals. He even brought up the subject of getting married.

One day, he took me to a car dealership, just on a whim, or so I thought. We were looking at cars and I assumed he was buying a new one for himself. He really liked this Pontiac G-6 convertible. He told me I should drive it. I took it for a spin, as they say, and really liked it.

He told me he wanted to buy this car for me. Only catch was I needed to trade my already paid off car for it. Well, what girl wouldn’t want someone to buy them a brand new car? However, there was this voice in the back of my head YELLING at me not to do it. My car was paid off and if something should happen, I would still be in the same place I was before, with no car payment.

Well, he really kept going on and on about how he really wanted to buy me this car. And I finally caved. We went back to my place and I cleaned out my car and brought it in to trade. The entire time, that voice was still warning me that this was a bad decision.

So, I drove off the lot with my sporty new car. I had never had a brand new car before so I was very excited. And it was pretty. It had leather seats, remote start, and it was a convertible! I was very happy driving it around.

After a few weeks, the guy starting acting strange. He was suddenly becoming distant and being a total ass. Every time I asked what was wrong, he had some lame excuses.

Then came Valentine’s Day! The jerk broke up with me! On Valentine’s day! Said he was still in love with his ex and that he wanted to try to work things out with her. I asked what we were doing about the car, because I could not afford the payments. He said he would give me the down payment money back so I can go and get another car. The bastard even had the check ready for me!

Turns out, he bought me the car in an attempt to make his ex jealous. Everything he did was a ploy to get her to miss him and feel jealous. However, it didn’t work out that way for him.

After some going back and forth about how much I should really get, I started car shopping. I had to purchase a crappy car, but at least I was done with the jerk. I returned the car to him smelling all smoky and with trash and ashes everywhere. I figured that was the least I could do for him.

The moral of this story, if there is one, is to listen to that voice when you hear it. Especially if it is screaming at you. It could save you a lot of needless heartache and hassle. I would like to say that he is now bitter and alone, but he is not. He married a different woman 8 months later. I know that he will get what is coming to him eventually, I just wish I could be there to see it.

As for me, I met my husband a few months after the break up and have been happy ever since. Everything works out in the end.

Have a great day!


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