Music Monday March 10, 2014

Published March 10, 2014 by suejansons

Roughly 14 years ago, a friend and I heard that The Fixx were playing in St. Pete. Having been a big fan back in the 80’s, I wanted to go. We decided to make a weekend of it. I booked a hotel on line. And we were set. So we drove over, found the hotel and brought our stuff to the room. Since we had no idea where the venue was, we walked to the area and tried to find it.

We walked around for a little while and came upon a liquor store. We figured a liquor store employee would know where a concert venue was. And so he did! It happened to be just up the street a little bit.

As we got closer, I noticed that one of the members of The Fixx was standing right outside! I became as giddy as a school girl and told my friend we had to back to my car and get my camera and a cd. So we ran back to the car and back to the venue. And lucky for us, the band was still there!

We got to talk to them for a little while and got pictures with a few of them. They signed my cd, too! Unfortunately, I don’t have the pics on this computer. When I find them, I will post.

So, we were both on cloud nine! We went early to the venue to get a good spot, and we got right in front of the stage! It was a great show! Since then, my friend and I go to see The Fixx whenever they are in town.

I hope you enjoy the video and have a wonderful Monday!


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