
All posts for the day March 21st, 2014

My Top 5 US Travel Destinations!

Published March 21, 2014 by suejansons

My Top 5 US Destinations!

I have been dreaming of traveling (moving) and was thinking about the places I would like to visit that I have not been to or spent enough time at. There are quite a few places and great landmarks and historic places besides these, but I decided to narrow it down. Here we go!

#1 San Francisco!
san fran

#2 Seattle!

#3 Grand Canyon!
grand canyon

#4 Hawaii!

#5 Alaska!

BONUS #6 Niagara Falls!
niagara falls

What are your dream destinations? Maybe you will change my list!

My Vision

Published March 21, 2014 by suejansons

My Vision

I have been thinking of making a vision board for a while now. I have decided that I AM going to make one this weekend. Yes, my schedule has been busy and hectic, but I HAVE to make this. I need to work on things that benefit me for a change. I think a vision board will be the perfect inspiration to get me motivated and going again.
The pic I chose has a lot of what I would want on my vision board. In fact, I could save myself a bunch of time and just blow up this one! LOL No, that is not the point of making a vision board. Yes, it is there to inspire you, but there is something about finding your dreams in pictures or words and making a conscious effort to place them on a board and to then put that board where you will see it every day.
So, my hope is to make my vision board and share it with you in the next day or two.

Do you have a vision board? If you don’t, do you want to make one to get inspired? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Zebrapatterns by Debra Gabel

Debra Gabel - Fiber artist and quilt pattern designer for Zebra Patterns

Peggy and Sami Quilts

Me 'n' Henry Lee

Musings, photographs, opinions and a whole lot of other stuff!

Curly Q


Christa Quilts

Make it yourself. Make it your own.

writing in north norfolk

Writer of children's literature, short stories and poetry

Behind the Willows

...where the ladies are headstrong and the man is outnumbered.


Making and creating

Factotum of Arts

Idea, Design, Create

Tim Latimer - Quilts etc

My adventures in Quilting and Gardening

I Ruin Joy

I'm just here to ruin a good thing

Travel Much?

Never cease to explore and tell!


Master Gardener, amateur photographer, quilter, NH native, and sometimes SC snowbird

Lisa H Calle's Blog

Quilting, Business and Life in General

Lisa in Port Hope

Quilting, sewing, and fun about town

Night Quilter

I grab a needle and thread once the kids are in bed